
A ceramic is an inorganic, non-metallic, solid material comprising metal, non-metal or metalloid atoms primarily held in ionic and covalent bonds.Some elements, such as carbon or silicon, may be considered ceramics.

Clay Dispersant

Dispersing agent are used in the mix (sand, stone, cement and water) to lower the use of water and still keeping the same slump (flow) property. This makes the concrete stronger and more impervious to water penetration


Antiscalants & Dispersants

Rishsperse series of special dispersants designed to deflocculate clay & clay based minerals & keep it in suspension. Rishsperse effectively replaces the commonly used silicates & phosphates in terms of lower dosage to achieve high slip density & reduction in undesirable Alkali in the system.


Binders are substances that improve the mechanical strength of ceramic bodies so they can pass through production steps, before firing, without breakage. There are a wide variety of binders used in traditional ceramics, including natural products.